Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Weekend Wrap Up

My 1st blog...yay!!!! So as u all know...weekends start Thursday night. So I started my weekend off by going to Suzie's art show at the Blue Jeans Bar in Snider Plaza.

Here are some pics from her show!

This one is my Fav!

Sooooo.....after the show, me and Burpo had the fantastic idea of going across the highway for a couple of drinks at our FAV bar...LA CRETIAS...
This dude has some PERFECT teeth...

Sooo...we have this bartender friend...all we do is say "refill please" and he refills our drink...FANTASTIC for the wallet...EVIL to the head the next day

Me and Bartender friend!

That night, our drink of choice was Sweet Tea...It's sweet tea flavored Vodka..maybe the greatest tasting drink EVER!

The yumminess that is Sweet Tea Vodka....caused us to take these "classic" pics on the corner of central expressway

Friday night I posted up on my couch aka "my bed" (I tend to sleep on my couch frequently)

I was chasin Z's by 9:00 PM...SOOOO cool on a Friday night
I started watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button which, by the way, I LOVED it...great movie!! It's similar to Forest Gump in that you could watch it over and over again and never get bored with it.
Brad Pitt being the eye candy isn't bad either.

Since I was asleep by 9 Friday night, I got up and pumped some iron at the gym super early. I went to 24Lift class....geeeeeeez it was hardcore!

For Mother's Day my bro and I took our fam to brunch at Desporado's on Greenville, FANTASTIC brunch! Then we went to the Dallas World Aquarium...which was very awesome, I fed a Tucan a Blueberry, (i bet none of you did that last sunday)

So over the past year i've become the flower girl of our casa....and Sunday I made my most recent flower purchase...Here's a pic of our little house with our new gerraniums! I copied our neighbors flower of choice (La Cretias)

Tomorrow night my friend Rucker is coming intown for the week. She just finished a semester at Law school in Georgia! Soo, were going up to Monicas for .75cent margaritas (yep .75cent margs) then were going up to Corner bar to sing Kareoke...any suggestions on what I should sing? Last time I sang "I tough myself"...classy


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging...check out the blog i do for work. Im pretty horrible at...im surprise they allow me to write.

    FYI we are having a giveaway of bridal invites...if anyone needs free invitations for their next bridal shower.

  2. Oh and sign up to follow the blog....I need a certain amount of new followers each month.

  3. coker...you make me laugh!! i'm glad we can now keep up with your oh so crazy life these days!

  4. Haha u love that sweet tea...noice blog I'm gonna check this on my sweet iPhone so u better keep it up to date! :) jnet

  5. Love it!! So glad you have a blog:)

  6. dude i totally just noticed that you're not wearing the same clothes from suzie's show to la cretias... you lie!
